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Disco Dolly

She is a dancing queen! Includes a flashy sequined dress and head wrap. Bracelet, shoes, earrings not included.

Rag Dolly

Since the 1910s, this iconic doll has been a hit! This darling Rag Dolly comes with a slip-on dress, bloomers with attached leggings and a mop cap with an attached wig. Shoes not included.

Poodle Skirt

Product Description: Flashback to soda shops and sock hops in this 50's favorite. This classic poodle skirt features a poodle patch with sequined leash. Head tie, shirt, shoes not included .

California Costumes 50s Hop With Poodle Skirt

50s Hop With Poodle Skirt

50s Costume: Beautiful girl with a poodle dress! The costume includes dress, petticoat, scarf and belt

50s Sweetheart Costume

Product Description: The 50's hasn't gone too far. This 50's Sweetheart attire includes a dress, pettiskirt, scarf, belt, and an iron-on monogram. Shoes, socks, and glasses not included

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