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Devils, Scary & Villains


Costume includes vest with attached ascot and cape, headpiece and inflatable shoulders. The headless
Mr. Grim glows with excitement over his ghastly job . Costume includes a hooded robe and glow in the
Components: Robe with collar, waist sash and mask, with flashing strobe lights
Tunic is made of knitted yarn for a chain effect. The foam metallic vest is cut out w/a ribcage moti
Product Description: This reaper grimly wears his ghostly victims. The Soul Taker comes with ghostl
This will put a little scare into them. Comes with hooded robe, waist tie and mask. Not included glo
This one is a faceless classic. The Horror Robe comes with a hooded robe with face cover. Not includ
This guy is not joking around. The Evil Jester costume comes with shirt, waist sash, jester hood/col

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