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Gypsies & Pirates


Cutthroat Pirate Boys Costume

Draw your cutlass, its time to board matey! The Cutthroat Pirate child costume comes with black and white shirt, pants, belt, boot tops, wrist cuffs, and head tie. Sword, eye patch, shoes not included.

Sea Scoundrel Pirate Boys Costume

The Child Sea Scoundrel costume features a distressed print shirt with light gray sleeves and a lace up placket. Costume includes a pair of striped pants, a head wrap, a waist sash, a belt with skull buckle, and a pair of vinyl boot toppers

Kids Captain Bones Costume

Includes: A Jacket, Pants with faux leather boot tops, Shoulder sash and Hat.

Deluxe Boys Pirate Captain Costume

Dressed to lead a mighty pirate crew. The Deluxe Pirate Captain child costume comes with: jacket with attached vest, tan colored dickey with collar, tricorn hat, head tie, and boot covers. Belt, pants, shoes and pirate pistols not included.

Skull Island Pirate Boys Costume

The Skull Island Pirate child costume features a shirt decorated with metal grommet trim. It also includes a skull and bones print bandana and waist tie, a belt with decorative skull buckle, an eye patch and a pair of boot top covers.

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