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Decades & Sexy


Hollywood Diva Costume

The brightest star of the silver screen. The Hollywood Diva child costume comes with a shimmering black glitter dress, a pair of fingerless gloves, a tiara, and a white stole with an attached sequined star patch. Shoes, bracelets and necklace not included

Voodoo Tunic Dress

Just a doll with a heart full of pins. The Voodoo Tunic child costume is a top with hood, a pair of leggings and a pair of yarn hair ties each with one attached button. The yarn ties can be threaded though the sides of the hood. Does not include boots.

90'S Hip Hop Superstar Girls' Costume

Inspired by the innovative sounds and style of the era, the 90's Hip Hop Superstar girl features a quad colored jacket, flared pants and hat. Text on the jacket and pants reads "Fresh and Fly". Not included: black shirt, jewelry, headphone mic, shoes.

Like Totally 80'S Girls' Costume

The Like Totally 80's child costume is a dress featuring a layered skirt and an attached front side belt bow with buckle. It also includes: a mesh undershirt, a pair of pant leggings and a hair scrunchie. Does not include leg warmers, jewelry, boots.

I Love The 90S / Child - XL

The I love the 90's child costume comes w/: T-Shirt with "I love the 90's" text, vest, legging pants, fanny pack, hair scrunchie & sheet of stick on rhinestones. Vest is polyester w/denim print. Does not include jewelry (bracelet earrings), roller skates.

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