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Animals, Insects & Sea Life


Abominable Snowman / Adult - ONE SIZE

Nothing like a snow cone break after a long day terrorizing Swiss Alp climbers. The Abominable Snowman costume includes faux fur bodysuit, inflatable shoulder piece, mask, hands, and feet.

Poseidon/Neptune, God Of The Sea Costume

The Poseidon/Neptune God of the Sea costume is a mesh shirt & a pair of pants w/scale print. It also includes a pauldron shoulder piece w/adjustable band, a belt piece with attached fabric ties, a crown with elastic strap, a pair of cuffs and a net drape.

Dalmatian Hoodie

These spots run fast. The Dalmatian Hoodie is a zip up jacket with attached ears and a red collar with tag.

Gator Man Costume

It's part alligator but all man. The Gator Man costume is a shirt with arm and chest batting, it Velcro closes in the back. It comes with 2 rope ties and a flexi-lite alligator mask. Flexi-lite mask are made of a flexible and lightweight material.

Goin' Bananas! / Adult - ONE SIZE

A Mask w/ mouth opening action. It comes w/ a fur jumpsuit & a pair of gorilla gloves & shoe covers. The Mask is 2 connected pieces. The lower jaw piece lays on the chest while the top is worn around the head. Nodding your head makes the mouth move.

Goin' Ape / Adult - ONE SIZE

Just don’t call him a monkey . The Goin' Ape costume comes with faux fur bodysuit, hands, feet, and animation mask with moving mouth action.

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