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Devils, Scary & Villains


Even in dark embrace of eternal life, a dude just wants to wear his favorite pair of pants! The Very
Component Included:
Vest, Cape, Chains & Mask.
Component Included:
Shirt, Pants, Belt with Bones, Rope Belt, Shoe Covers, (1) Wrist Guard & Mask.
Component Included:
Dress, Belt, Glovelettes, 2 Piece Witch Hat & Hat Ban.
In the game of life, he is the end. Mr. Grimm comes with robe, hood, gauze overlay, skull mask, viny
This guy is not joking around. The Evil Jester costume comes with shirt, waist sash, jester hood/col
It includes a long sleeved shirt of distressed suede w/ decorative "hay" sleeve fringe. a belt tie w
 My throne sits upon my crushed foes. The Dark Monarch costume includes a tunic top with silver tri
 This wolf is ready to mark the town! The Full Moon Madness costume comes with shirt with attached
You are invited to the scream zone. The Funhouse Freak men's clown costume includes: jumpsuit with a
The Voodoo Dude costume comes with a jacket with attached vest, a hat with bone and skull decoration

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