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Countries & Historical


Rubies Costumes Grecian Godess Std/Adult

Grecian Godess Std/Adult

This costume includes:
Dress, Necklace & Headpiece.

Revealing Renaissance - Adult Std

Revealing Renaissance - Adult Std

Rubies Costumes Queen Gorgo 300

Queen Gorgo 300

Queen Gorgo 300

Cowgirl/Annie Oakley / Adult - XS

A wild west dress for dressing up as sharpshooter extraordinaire Annie Oakley. The Cowgirl / Annie Oakley costume includes a pleated dress with an attached white collar and is decorated with rose print and fringe trim.

Grecian Babe - 2pc White/Gold S/Adult

Grecian Babe - 2pc White/Gold S/Adult

Revealing Renaissance

Revealing Renaissance

Cleopatra Black Woman's Costume

 Behold the Queen of Egypt! This elegant ensemble features dress with detachable cape, jeweled collar, and a sequin trimmed belt. Shoes, wig, jewelry and staff not included.

Rubies Costumes Toy Solider M/Adult

Toy Solider M/Adult

Toy Solider M/Adult

Rubies Costumes Dark Lady

Dark Lady

Medieval period noble lady costume includes:
Headpiece, belt and dress with cape & Faux fur trim.

California Costumes Medieval Queen

Medieval Queen

Product Description: A Throne fit for a fair queen! The Adult Medieval Queen Costume comes with a red and gold dress with long sleeves, a gold corset and half crown. Jewelry and shoes are not included.

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