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Dolls & Storybook


Voodoo Dolly Womens Costume

The Voodoo Dolly costume is a puff sleeved dress with a texture printed fabric. It comes with heart accessory, printed hosiery and (2) two novelty stick pins. Shoes not included. Pettiskirt sold separately.

Adult Women Victorian Doll

Platinum Collection's Victorian Doll is a dress with an attached collar piece and detachable lacy sleeves. This detailed costume also comes with a cracked half mask, mini top hat with lace attachment, and a lace parasol. Shoes not included.

Tinkerbell Fairy

The Green Fairy is a one piece dress which features a lace up bodice and an adjustable in length skirt. This costume is accessorized with mini puff sleeve, wings, pouch, and hair pin. Shoes not included.

Dark Red Riding Hood

A sophisticated and seductive take on a classic storybook character. The Dark Red Riding Hood costume is composed of a one-piece dress, matching long flowing cloak and comes with a plaid black and red hanky. Basket, shoes and gloves are not included.

Miss Red Women's Costume

Red Riding Hood outfit in red and black

Disguise Lady Tremaine

Lady Tremaine

Lady Tremaine

Disguise Fairy Godmother Deluxe Women's Movie

Fairy Godmother Deluxe Women's Movie

Fairy Godmother Deluxe / Adult

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